Heart O' The Hills Realty
Mary Clymer, Heart O' The Hills RealtyPhone: (517) 403-1136
Email: clymersells@gmail.com

Understanding your insurance: Additional living expenses

by Mary Clymer 12/30/2022

Every homeowners insurance policy includes a percentage of coverage for additional living expenses. If you’re temporarily displaced from your home because of damage, this coverage can help you pay for the additional everyday expenses until you’re able to move back in. But what exactly does additional living expense (ALE) coverage include?

Here is a basic guide to the kinds of out-of-pocket expenses your ALE insurance can help you with:


If your home is severely damaged, your insurance company may deem it unsuitable for living in while repairs are being made. In this case, your additional living expense coverage can help defray the costs of a temporary living arrangement. Lodging expenses covered include hotel and motel stays and short-term rentals.


If you’re not living at home, you’ll likely need to rely on restaurants for a while. Unfortunately, this cost can add up quickly. Your additional living expense insurance can cover a reasonable amount of food costs exceeding your normal grocery bills.

Other expenses

Your insurance may help you with other expenses in addition to food and lodging. Some examples of common additional living expenses include:

  • Fuel and transportation costs for an increased commute.
  • Pet boarding if your temporary lodging doesn’t allow them.
  • Furniture rental if your temporary lodging is unfurnished.
  • Laundry services.
  • Storage fees for your personal belongings.

What isn’t covered?

While the list of expenses included in your ALE coverage is fairly expansive, it won’t cover everything. It’s important to remember that this portion of your insurance policy will not pay for damage to your home or belongings. However, these costs are covered by the dwelling portion of your homeowners insurance.

If you’re not certain, you can always check with your insurance company for more details about your additional living expenses coverage.

About the Author

Mary Clymer

 Hi, I'm Mary Clymer and I'd love to assist you. I've been a licensed Realtor in Michigan since 1997. I love my profession and strive to treat all my clients and fellow Realtors with respect, honesty and integrity. My greatest joy is to receive a second and third call from previous clients. It tells me I've made them very happy. Whether you are planning to buy or sell, that is my specialty.

 I was born and raised in the Onsted area, as were my daughters and I truly care about our County and State. My family, office family and faith in God have been my rock. I am very proud to be an Associate Broker with Heart O The Hills Realty.